o you already own a dream car that would look good in our fleet? Turn your passion into a working asset and be an investor with serious investment potential and tax benefits. We call you a 'Car Investor'.
We can customise agreements to suit your driving and investment needs. How? By being flexible and open to creating an arrangement which would suit both parties.
For example, you may prefer to keep your car at home, and we only collect it when it has been hired. Or if you’re still keen to take your baby for a drive on Sundays, we can come up with a plan that can accommodate.
Because of how we manage our business, some of our current Investors enjoy returns on their investment (ROI) of anything from 11% to 21% in addition to tax benefits such as investment asset depreciation, taxable income reduction and more. We are not financial advisors and each Investor's position is unique, so speak to your financial advisor and let's talk.
We only seek individuals or companies with personalities which suit our own business outlook and have long term views on their invested asset. We recognise that unless it is a 'Win-Win-Win' scenario between Us, the Investor and the Client, it will not work out.
All types of European SuperCars, Performance Vehicles, Luxury and High End Sports Cars will be considered. Owner equity the vehicle is encouraged. Minimum monthly guarantees are often offered, for the right vehicles.
We can even guide you toward a money maker if you simply have the desire to invest in a vehicle which we can point you towards. Take advantage of our industry contacts and snap up a working asset in the one fell swoop.
Want to learn more? Contact us today.