Fire Archives - Ultimate Luxury Cars Australia
October 17, 2018

BBQ & Car Meet in Support of Ultimate Rentals after the Fire

Sunday, October 28th, 2018 We want our friends & clients to turn up to the Showroom, have some food, say hi and help get our spirits up. We’ve had a fire in our showroom which made the news and our business has taken a big hit. We’ll be rebuilding for a few weeks and we thought a Car meet-up with some food and awesome people showing their support would be the best thing to lift our spirits and tell the world we’re not down for the count. And out of the literal ashes, we’ll come out stronger than ever. We’d Love to see you there, invite some friends and let’s make a day out of it. If you want to help, you can do so in several ways: 1) Morally: By turning up! By getting the word out to others […]